Saturday, April 12, 2014

How to create the best job hunt portfolio that gets you the max return?

Hunting for a job in this tense environment requires a lot of techniques, the most important one is diversification.
The new theory of portfolio management relies on diversifying the investor’s money in different types of asset classes based on the investor’s risk and return profile. Smart job hunters must unitize this important concept in order to get the best return in the market and beat their benchmark (other candidate in their field)
That’s been said, how do you achieve this? And where else we can invest? And how do we allocate our resources?
For job seekers time is the single most important recourse and mainly spend on the internet looking for open vacancies on career sites, so why we just allocate our time effectively to get the return that we want in a timely manner.

Set your goals:
Landing your dream job is everyone’s goal, so make sure to know it and to list out several targeted titles and targeted firms in your field. Determining your career level is also an important, C.V and cover letter is a must.   

Create your customize portfolio:
Here are some ideas; newspaper (for local hiring and entry level), cold calls, cold emails and informational interviews for higher level, LinkedIn and career sites, companies website, onsite visits (for small business and boutiques, not efficient for banks and big companies), job fairs and careers advisers (if you are a student)    

Allocate your time:
If you are full-time job seek then you should start your day as early as possible, I would start with the newspaper (the earliest the better) don’t spend more than 2 hours on this one, then move on to Linkedin and cold email especially if you are reaching out to MD and higher level people because as they arrive to work they get so busy and they tend to ignore random emails and stranger’s requests. If you have any upcoming interviews/informational interviews or phone calls now it’s good time to practice if not try to take a walk or work out for a bit. Afterword start calling recruiters and staffing agencies, and reach out to HRs and hunt opening jobs on LinkedIn and career sites up to 4 hours. If you are planning to visit any companies or cold call hiring managers afternoon is a good time to do so trying to make it in the middle of the week not the first business day and not the last one, as people are moody and busy and they don't have time to talk to you about your career and they will do anything to get you off the phone. At the evening, start educating yourself read about your industry and any interesting articles that could help you with your job hunt (like this one) participate in discussions and etc. at night, write down any progress and list the company/people that you applied for/talked to, and finally set a quick plan for the next day.     

Manage your new portfolio and revise your strategy if needed:
Keep track of each part of this strategy and see which one is yielding the most result, use interviews and new connections as measurements, revised and relocated as needed.

At the end, this article is a goldmine from my own experience, please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or advices @ or via LinkedIn, I promise to get back to you within one day.

Best luck to all of you.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What Have You Been Doing Since Your Last Job?

While actively job seeking you should also be concerned about yourself. In other words, retraining yourself is a must so you can stay in shape in this very competitive job market. 
People at work are having a mandatory retraining every day, basically by doing the same thing over and over so think in terms of your free time where to you use it? And how to use it?

Personally, I think there no one way to do. It could range from couple hour a week to a part-time job. If you are luckily enough to know your interests great and if not try to do “the flower exercise” or maybe read “what color is your parachute” great book for job seekers and people how lost their interest in things. 

Once you worked out your favorite subject then you should figure out how much time you are willing to invest into it, then ask Google to find it for you (how to sell used clothes on eBay)(how to become a stock trades). Further, look for people who share common interests with you on social networks, join groups and start discussions, and always try to expand your network. 

If you are-like me- into finance and stock market checkout below tips. 
Try to read about asset management and sell-side analyst and if you are interested, you can do your own case study for more details:

More things you can do including: learn how to trade foreign exchange or stocks there are tons of free technical analysis online training, and here’s a website where you can open a free virtual trading portfolio for training purpose

Remember, hiring managers understand that people lose their job - it can happen to anyone - and it's not always easy to find a new job fast. Also, there are legitimate non-employment reasons for being out of the workforce.

Friday, January 17, 2014

How did you end up on Linkedin??

As part of the social network bubble, increasingly everyone is maintaining a Linkedin profile along with Facebook. Linkedin is somehow different from Facebook as you may already noticed. So let’s take look.
What does it take?
A face is all you need to get a Facebook profile, however Linkedin members meet certain criteria. Linkedin is a networking tool used by professionals and you have to have a professional present to better use this tool. That’s been said, be prepared to spend some extra time on your profile, your photo should look similar to you on an interview. The first section after your name is the headline and this is very important because recruiters and other people see first your picture, name, and the headline so make sure to get it right. When you write your headline/summary think about how did you end up here?? Are you seeking a new job or maybe just for fun and curiosity, then say “who you are” and “what is your plan” in as many as 20 words “A computer engineer with an interest in software development, seeking to find a career in a leading research firm” or maybe you are a student who is open to a lot of options” An MBA student with an interest in the stock market, looking for a summer analyst position” “ A Sell-side analyst seeking to obtain the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and to build upon equity analysis experience in a leading firm”. Next on your list is the summary section which should be somehow easier after drafting a killer headline. Basically, you should provide more details on your headline, so back to the above examples if you are a sell-side analyst your summary should clearly name your coverage industry, which companies you are following and where do you work and how long you have been working in your current job, what is your background, list any post university works or any financial certifications. And same for a graduate student list your school works, experiences, and your interest in a specific field, explain how you got interested and why do you think you could be a potential hire. Hope that was useful thanks for reading.

    Saturday, January 11, 2014

    Why Asset Management??

    Asset management is a very profitable business with quite favorable long term outlook. The industry has been known for its high margins and returns, further the work we do -Investment Bankers- helps to put a value on publically traded assets.

    There has always been a real demand from investors for expertise in how their money is managed. There has been talk of fees in the industry coming under pressure and there is always some risk of that, however –in my view-if we carefully analyses the market a one can conclude that the long term demand seems favorable. As many of the large emerging economies continue to develop and industrialize, their need for asset management services are likely to grow. Moreover, the expanding populations in many developing countries are likely to drive demand in future year. Asset management services are increasingly vital, as people need to ensure that they have enough saved-up to last them through the retirement years. All financial professionals must act in an ethical way and put their client interest before anything. You role as an intermediary is very important of course you have to see the big picture your role as an intermediary in the capital raising process in the global financial market. The integrity of this process is critical and it’s something you should carefully think about.

    Asset management companies have a very promising future but they should keep up to their fiduciary responsibility to the asset owner. As an analyst you are helping to invest for others; saving for investors, pensions and retirement for government and private companies, education of children and research for schools and universities, etc. it’s important that we always think about the implications of our actions.

    The above post is based on “A Guide for asset management” by Gillian D.

    How to hedge your job search risk and maximize your return?

    The idea of this post came to me after reading  “what color is your parachute”  I found the book very useful and can be targeted to a wide range of audiences.   
    Basically, your risk profile goes up dramatically when you put all your eggs in one job search strategy. Let me say it this way, say an online application- one method for finding a job- has 10% success rate (the numbers here are just to give you an idea, they are not 100% accurate) so 9 out of 10 people who used this method alone did not succeed in their job search. So why?? The simple answer is; there is no guaranteed strategy to land your dream job and you almost always have to take some risks but the questions is how to hedge your job search risk and get the most of it?
    Since there are several ways to find job the sum of these methods must add to %100, and since it’s really hard to invest time and money in all of them you have to choose two or more, think about the ones that best fits both your personal characteristics and career goals. As you may noticed already an online search is the most common way for finding a job but yields the lowest rate of success, so how about taking some times which you already planned to invest in the online search and spend it somewhere else such as (finding a bridge person within a firm that interest you) this method has almost %50 success rate (wow looks really high but keep in mind that this method required more skills and some extra time) but think about this for a second ( how likely you will be able to land your dream job if you combined the online search (10%) plus the inside connection (50%) so your chance to land a job will rise to (60%) sounds pretty promising right? It’s a simple math and some hard work from your end.

    Hope you found it useful, stay tuned for more.

    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    Why I should not say “Please consider my profile for an opening position” on LinkedIn???

    It’s like sending your Resignation letter instead of your resume to recruiters. Well yeah it worked for me before and it will work this time, could be true. Right? So it’s one of two things either you are so lucky and that’s does not apply to most of us on this site or the recruiter is so desperate to the fact that he/she acutely did check your profile and in this case you may need to rethink before accepting such an offer. 

    My point is think about LinkedIn as a dating site in a sense of finding your dream job though and like Uncle Jimmy use to say: a good first impression can turn you into the prefect man even for a few seconds, yes few seconds and then trust me on this recruiters will be more than happy to consider your profile. “Do your homework” is your magic tool which will enable you to master the first impression dilemma. Here’s how you can go about an ad; be more specific with HRs say things like “Based on my 3 years financial statement analysis in a CPA firm in UK and my accounting degree from university along with a candidacy in the CPA program I think I am a good match for your needs Please consider my profile for this exciting position with your firm.      

    I know it’s require maybe 10-25 min on the web so you can read more about the company and the opportunity itself and obviously you need to tie your skills to a specific position, but the fact is that your job search experience will become richer and more valuable to you so you can lean more about companies and different titles what they do and where they work and how much they get paid and most importantly, is this position a suitable one for my skills?? If this is sounds funny to you then think about yourself as an asset to your potential employer not a “copy and paste” type of person.

    Sunday, January 5, 2014

    Why Investment banking? Get inspired

    Hello Monkeys:

    If you are in the process of learning about investment banking and sell/buy side analyst's role, job descriptions, salary range and finally exit opportunities. Then Investment Banker Monkey is your one-stop shop. Hope you found it useful.  

    1) Get inspired
    2) Gather your tools:
    3) Set up your goals 
    4) Go Go Go
    5) Monkey's takeaway

    1) Get Inspired:

    We all know how does google work, right? So simple you type in "how to make an apple pie" and Investment Banker Monkeys pumps up. Wooha. Does not work this way, my point is since you are here I am assuming that you have some sort of  interest in asset management industry, accounting/finance/business background and some post university work MBA, any kind of related internship, work experience or professional certificate (CFA, CPA). Having said that, to land a job in this industry like a pro you need to start as a pro.
    What does that mean? How can I beat the average job seekers? How hard is it and what does it take? Well let me tell this, all it takes is a passion and an idea, a dream we can follow and reach, so monkeys cheer up look to the sky and dream that you are going to be an investment banker who bring home easily 100k a year. Yes, we can do it.
    Fake it till you make it; to outstand your peers you need to have a 5-10 mins of soiled reasons and ideas about why investment banking and what is the outlook for the industry what makes you a good fit for this firm and all these crazy fire questions
    So start off by educating yourself about different position in the industry for example: Portfolio Managers, Buy Side Analyst, M&A Analyst, Venture Capital Analyst and Sell Side Research Analyst. Consider some books such as "How to Get an Equity Research Analyst Job” by Gillian Elcock. This is a very useful book here are some pros and cons:
    Pro: 1) Short book and the author gets straight to the point, 2) well organized, you can actually search and find any topics so easily. 3) Include a lot of useful links and information which will help you pick up some lines for interview questions and headhunt strategies, if you are working on a hedge case this book is  great for you.
    Cons: focus more on buy-side, 2) not useful outside the industry and require a high level of financial modeling and statement analysis skills. Below is Gillian talking about his view of the industry:

    In my view, the long term outlook for the industry is quite favorable. Asset management is a very profitable business, with high margin and returns, and there has always been a real demand from investor for expertise in how their money is managed. There has been talk of fees in the industry coming under pressure and there is always some risk of that however the outlook for the demand seems favorable. As many of the large emerging economics continue to develop and industrialize, their need for investment management service is likely to grow.

    Consider also it’s one of the best free website I have ever seen in my life just search any topics and you will be happy!!

    2) Gather your tools:

    So now you have a better idea of what kind of analyst you want to be, and how your skills and knowledge best fit your potential employer’s need. If still not sure yet try to invest in “what color is your parachute” don’t spend too much time on it though just do whatever you feel that you need to do. For example, if you are an MBA gradate with a candidacy in the CFA program and have 3yrs banking experience so obviously the exercises in the book will be much easier for you since you are halfway through your road and all you need are some help and guidance on which sector or what kind of financial professional I am? See a lot people out there can’t say that. The book also will help you in developing a job search strategy and figure out where you want to work and with who?

    3, 4) Set up your goals and Go;

    After finding the best title that fits your need and drafting a cover letter and a resume see examples:
    You are now on your own to find your dream job, so get tuned for next:
    1)    Write down AT LEAST two job search strategies, (online applications, and cold calls) (online applications and information interviews) (staffing agencies and online resume distribution)
    So why you need two of them, because having two strategies will give you first more hope and hope is something you badly need specially now, and second will by far increase your chance of finding a job.
    2)    Get a Linkedin profile see tips on this :
    3)    Consider pitching a stock here is a free online videos :      
    4)    Use google to find an overseas opportunities (hedge yourself)
    5)    Wait, repeat and be persist.   

    In conclusion; trust me once you pass the first step you have a tons of new and exciting information that will help you develop your own strategy and maybe starting your own blog one day just like me. Read Read Read and you will find all you need online and for the most part free. Please feel free to e-mail me back @ with any questions or concerns, stay tuned more coming up next. And that is it for now thanks for reading.